What the f*** is wrong with me?
As I turn 26 and approach my late 20s, the time has come for my annual reflection. Year 25 proved very eventful and impactful, setting the stage for an influential year 26. So much happened with so…
Reflection: Seven Years Living in The Bay Area
I moved to San Jose seven years ago on August 19, 2017. I packed everything I thought I would need for college and settled into the dorm that became my home for the following eight months. Three…
I feel tired.
I have taken two naps in the past two days. That is two more than I have taken in the past year. I don’t know why. Even with the days longer, the sun being out much later,…
Pros and Cons of being single (through a year plus)
On one of the many recent nights where I find it hard to sleep, I began jotting down the changes to and in my life over the past 14 months. Then I focused on the changes as…
The Next Professional Step is also the next in my Personal Life
Background: On September 6th, 2023, two days away from my second work anniversary, I was laid off. Before experiencing it, I always thought people who get laid off are the worst performers. I thought it was all…
Breaking Down Soulmates: The Most Coveted Relationship
Do you believe in soulmates? What does the word soulmate mean to you? Do you think your current partner, if applicable, is your soulmate? The word soulmate, I think, is overused and is the default explanation when…
Approaching 23 Years
Closing in on living a full 22 years of life, approaching year 23, I’m more mindful and excited than I have ever been. I’m getting old, but I’m still so young. I feel like I have a…
The Law of Averages: How to use it to your advantage
The law of averages and how it applies to our lives. I conducted an informal study to see if people’s perceptions of their lives mirror the reality. If you took the survey, you would’ve noticed that I…
Three phrases I hear from people whom I rarely have subsequent conversations with: “Life is hard” “Life is tough” “Life is how it is” Three phrases that scream “I have an external locus of control and possess…
Life As A First-Generation Immigrant
At the time of writing, I’ve still spent more time of my life living outside of the United States than in it. Where do I begin? Although I am a first generation immigrant and college…