
Getting More From Less: The Most (Part IV)

Chapter 7 – Fall 2019:

For the recently concluded Fall of 2019, I took 22 units, got assigned 21 students to mentor, and had 23 residents to manage. Organic Chemistry got even harder and Physics was no longer a breeze. The rest of my classes, however, were business as usual. For the first half of the fall, I felt old as I was one semester away from graduating. During this time too, I realized that I didn’t need to be a doctor to help people since I was already doing it by mentoring my peers, which I really love. This realization made me ponder my immediate future as now, I didn’t know exactly what I want to do after I complete my undergraduate career. My volunteering didn’t exactly persuade me to commit to health. My mentees, on the other hand, convinced me that I can be great at mentoring people. For the first time in two years, I didn’t have a clear path… but in a good way. It quickly changed, however. A friend of mine kept insisting that I am young, which, after a couple times of hearing, made me realize that I really am. I applied to a program for the summer—one that I thought I had no shot of participating in—but is now something I’m really excited for and can’t wait to do.  Per my mentees’ feedback, I plan on starting a non-profit mentoring anyone who is dedicated to transforming themselves into the best version they can be. Reflecting from two semesters ago, I no longer just focus on myself and how I can maximize myself, I now think about influencing others’ well-being and growth as well. I can now watch movies and shows at 3x speed. I’m always discovering new but old, some relatively new, classical music, something that I’ll write a lot about. I love theatre, going to as many plays as I could. I read even more, which gives me more inspiration to write even more. Fall of 2019 gave me insight into what I should do next. And to begin the new decade, I will do just that. The Spring of 2020 will bring the conclusion of my undergraduate career and the completion of a goal I set two years ago. I’m excited, as always, for the future and the challenges it will bring alongside the opportunity to grow even more.

Chapter 8 – Holistic Reflection:

During a staff meeting about a month ago, our Hall Government paid a visit to introduce themselves and get acquainted with the resident advisors. When the president spoke, he shared why he chose to participate and, paraphrasing him, that his friends and family told him that college will be the best years of his life and he wanted to make sure he does his part in making it true for others as well. 

Personally, college has been great. It’s given me a great deal of enriching experience, vast knowledge I wouldn’t have learned anywhere else, the opportunity to challenge myself and grow, and most importantly, great relationships to cherish. I do not think that the past three years will be the best years of my life, however. That will be sad. I believe that there’s always another level to reach, always another way to get better, and always a new challenge to overcome. Three years has been perfect for my undergraduate experience as I think, like many of my other experiences, I’ve squeezed everything that it can offer. I will dive into my whole college experience in another article.

I’m not writing to get compliments. I’m definitely not writing to brag. I’m simply writing to share and make myself available to those who sees something in my experience that they can tap into for guidance. For the past almost three years, I owe most of what I’ve accomplished to the amazing people that have helped me along the way. Although I didn’t go into as much detail about how who have helped me along the way, the people involved throughout know how much I appreciate what they’ve done for me. Despite everything I’ve accomplished, I know there is a lot more to come and I can do much more. Even though I’m an extremely confident, versatile, and multi-faceted 20 year old, I’m nowhere near where I can be. I’m hoping I can attract some people along my journey to continuous ascension.

Whereas I used to avoid challenges, I embrace it with open arms and almost as if I’m addicted to it because I know it will always result in personal development.

Regardless of all of my accomplishments, all of the challenges I have, and yet to overcome, and through everything else, I might not always be humble, but I’ll always be honest and hungry.

So how did I get more out of less? You tell me! I want to hear thoughts from people who have read the whole series.

If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate you for reading and now you’re rewarded by knowing a little bit about myself, what I’ve experienced the past three years, some insight, and hopefully, someone new to follow for reading material!

Shoot me a dm on instagram or an email with your thoughts so I know who read the whole series!
