Introspective Reflection: My Life’s Patterns
My patience with—and understanding of the patterns present in—life, with fitting visuals and a rhyme scheme.
What To Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Coronavirus is now truly a pandemic. It instills fear in most logical people’s minds (since there are plenty of brainless, selfish people who still don’t care). It’s taken a lot of people’s livelihoods. It’s separating families apart.…
The Paradox of a Promising Past
What’s the fascination with the past? More specifically, why do people make their past their present, hoping it can be their future? In a professional setting, work experience for example, there’s no point in going back for…
Life and Love Lessons from La La Land
I first watched this movie exactly two years ago. I recently rewatched it to refresh everything, hoping I’m able to write something half as powerful as the movie. The acting and music perfectly complemented and enhanced…
Two Years of Journaling: How I Started, Why I Will Keep on Doing It, and What I Get Out of It
January 30th marked the second anniversary of my first journal entry, which was exactly as follows: “January 30, 2018 Things To Do For Tomorrow: Apply to jobs on campus Talk to an advisor about taking one more…
What if I stayed in the Philippines? An Introspective Take on what Life Could’ve Been
1st Entry to Curiosity. This category will be dedicated to questions I have that don’t and/or won’t necessarily have concrete answers. Whenever I’m curious about something, I tend to do as much research as I can until…
The fine line between flattering and dejecting: Being Waitlisted
On February 1st 2019, I finished a personal statement for a summer health program that took me more than a month to feel extremely confident about. It took a week to write, then two weeks of rereading,…
Signatures don’t do what you think they do…
I don’t exactly remember how I learned this… but this story is funny nonetheless. Before my 20th birthday, I never brought my wallet anywhere. When I went out as a 19 year old, I’ll use either Apple…
For your next trip to the dentist…
Dentists. Children hate them. Adults think they should only visit need them if absolutely necessary. When I was young, I used to think of dentists as professional scammers always trying their hardest to find as many problems…
The Origin of Sleep Tight
During one of the lectures in my Psychology of Adolescence class, my professor shared a fun fact I deem worthy of being the first “factoid”… “Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Do any…