
The State of the United States

I couldn’t even watch the whole video. I saw the first five seconds and I had to stop.


It was too much for me to handle. I can’t even imagine how others are feeling.


I felt as if I shouldn’t share my thoughts because this is not something I can consider myself to be well-versed in. I think I stayed silent long enough. I took the time to read and educate myself.


I don’t consider myself an activist. I do, however, consider myself to be outspoken.


I stand with everyone that’s hurting and I’m standing against racism and oppression. Another senseless killing of a black man. It’s disheartening.


I started my own website to give myself a platform to share my thoughts and speak on topics I feel strongly about. The articles I’ve written thus far feel so trivial compared to what’s going on in our society. If I don’t share my thoughts and emotions, I would have failed in using my platform as something that’s supposed to uplift and inspire.


Rest in Peace George Floyd.

I can only extend my prayers and condolences to their family and friends.

I also want to extend my support to everyone, especially the black community.

I’ll never know what it’s like but I’ll always be an ally.


I admire the protests happening nationwide. It shows how we can all be united to stand and show our support to something that we all feel strongly about.


The protests have shown a lot of what’s going on in our country…


When Michigan residents protested with rifles and other weapons over the perceived violation of their “freedom” and “liberty” in regards to lockdowns to help contain the spread of covid-19, the president responded with “LIBERATE Michigan” as if to imply that he supports their mission and their method.


When residents everywhere else protest peacefully and unarmed, the military is immediately mobilized. Then when protestors react accordingly, they’re labeled “thugs” and “violent”. 


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


This is a very tough article to write as there are plenty of talking points to cover and counter arguments to mention for possible rebuttals. I can only hope that you read this with an open mind.


For the people fighting the system:

Although there’s no one correct way to protest, I know for a fact that it’s not via looting and rioting. I see the slogan “No Violence, No Justice” and I think that’s just ridiculous. It’s very hypocritical in my opinion. People are resorting to the very same methods—violence, vandalism, stupidity—that they claim to be fighting against. Looting and vandalism are tarnishing everyone else’s effort to celebrate George Floyd and fight against oppression. His death would be in vain if people use it as an opportunity to steal, to hurt others, and to further glorify chaos (granted, yes, there are some people whose sole purpose is to instigate and incite violence).


I think protesters need to stop generalizing that all police officers are enemies the same way that they want police officers to stop generalizing all protestors as looters and violent. Antagonizing one another would only add more tension to an already heated situation. Instead of picking sides and resorting to ad hominems, I think everyone should be more cognizant of their flaws, shortcomings, and realize that there are things they can do to improve their understanding as well as educate their peers.


I also think people need to be more consistent with their principles and align their actions with their goals. I think everyone has to be radically open-minded. Go and stand for what you believe in but keep an open-mind that you might not be 100% correct, that your perspective can be better, and that your argument can be improved.


For the system:

I think police officers need to understand that they’re supposed to protect the general public and not overreact when they receive a call about a black man doing something that everyone else does. I think police officers should serve accordingly and exhibit more self-control. I read plenty of research articles and I think defunding the police is a great idea as it will allocate more funds towards what’s necessary: education. Being a police officer is not an occupation that one can take lightly. I think the system has to be more stringent in terms of requirements. As Chris Rock once said, it’s not a job that you can afford to have a few “bad apples” in.


I once volunteered at a food bank. We sorted fruits and whenever we came across a rotten one, or even about to rot, we immediately picked it up to throw it out alongside everything else it was touching.


I think the same process can be implemented with the police. If one cop does something questionable, you investigate accordingly along with some of the people closely associated with that officer.



For change to occur, everyone must be willing to commit and buy into the same concepts. 

I’ll always be against violence as I think it perpetuates the wrong message. 


I’m committed to doing my part, however I can help.


I think everyone wants our society to improve and be better. However, in order for that to happen, all living members of our society must improve and be better.


I think that can only happen through dialogue, peaceful purposeful protests, and people in positions of power pushing for progress.


Black Lives Matter.